Halloween Gift Tags

In my world, creativity seems to always strike in the midst of chaos! 

I don’t have a lot of time with a busy three-year-old boy and a 16-month old little girl on the move. In realizing the week of Halloween would be a busy one, I felt the urgency to prepare their Halloween gifts while our son was in preschool.  

Naturally, rather than doing laundry, the dishes and packing my family for a trip to see my folks for the weekend, I decided I would scrap everything and make some gift tags for our children’s Halloween “Great Pumpkin” gift. 

This project was quick and easy! (And, it needed to be, with time being limited and the little girl not taking her morning nap, which messy she was my “little helper!”) Of course, with some more time, I could have been a little more creative, using artsy scissors or even scrapbook paper; but I was pleased with myself and the fact I had all my materials organized and at the ready!

Enjoy this video, and I would love to see some of your beautiful gift tags!